My preferred flavor of mathematics is number theory, but I have also recently become interested in machine learning and data science. Current number theory interests include cryptology and communications security, and elliptic curves. I am especially interested in computational projects involving SageMath and Python. Past research interests include mathematics of origami (specifically connections between number theory and geometry), modular forms, and mathematics education.

What is number theory?

At its simplest, number theory is, not surprisingly, the study of numbers! In particular, elementary number theory primarily studies properties of integers (...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...). Sample topics include unique factorization of any integer into a product of primes, methods to determine if a number is prime, and exploring why various divisibility "tricks" work. An example of a divisibility "trick" is: to determine if a large number is divisible by 3, you can add the digits and see if that (smaller) number is divisible by 3. Modern developments involve combining number theory with other branches of mathematics especially abstract algebra and complex analysis. 

My specific scholarly interests